Fear Not, God is With Us

I’ve just lost another battle. I became another person who’s strength came up short, frightened and started to feel worthless. Presumably the way I live my life inevitably. Even the strongest people aren’t immune to fears and anxieties. It may be typical to occasionally have intrusive thoughts especially in these trying times. Or when you’re trapped in a situation you would least want to happen and you stop breathing for a short while. Times when the world is not even confident of what lies ahead. So much disturbances and crises happening – pandemic, natural disasters, racism and violence, crimes, terrorism, economic uncertainties, unemployment, conflicts and misunderstandings, divisions, death. We made a cruel world. There’s now too little kindness. Too little caring. Too much hate, anger, hurt and fear. A shedload of second thoughts. We fear for our safety, we fear for our future, our children’s future, fear for our families, fear for our financial stability, we even fear of what other people think, we fear of being judged and misunderstood, we fear for tomorrow. And the list goes on.

The likelihood of worrying of something that has not happened and spending so much time assuming or thinking about highs and lows, ifs and buts, habitual skepticism and fear of the unknown is the real enemy. It’s the most popular weapon of the demon. We even see the tests and trials differently as God’s punitive measures. But how many times did we easily worry and abandon our faith on his promises and give up on God’s favours? How hard is it to stay fearless and fight for the things and even the people we care about? Have we forgotten that God puts and shapes his servants through trials? We have always wanted our lives to glorify God but there is something we have missed. When God used people to show his power, did he use comfort or trials? The answer is trials—God’s most used tool. And so why do we become so worried and troubled to face and conquer the trials. Why do we even choose to endure them on our own? We should believe that we must never question God’s plans. But we have forgotten that we can always pray and ask for God’s support, guidance and most of all, forgiveness. He can come in between and keep the chain firm and impenetrable. But oftentimes, we give up just like that. We stop and quit holding onto God’s blessings. If we want to be used by God for his glory, we must be prepared for trials. I have to admit, there have been times I was attacked by the dickens. When I feel all alone for the most part. I became frail and easily damaged. The prince of darkness has won against my silent outcry of God’s presence. I should have known myself better. I should have committed to his plans and will. I should have trusted what God can do. I should have been unfailing that with faith, not only does God not want me to worry, but He wants me to put my worries onto Him to deal with. He will take that burden away from me. No earthly troubles can hurt me because God is always with me.

Isaiah has reminded me that we might feel afraid, but we must believe that God is with us – 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. We may not be in control, but we can trust the One who is. – 14:24 “The Lord of hosts has sworn: “As I have planned, so shall it be, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand.” We may not know what the future brings, but we can know the God who does. – 45:7 “I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the Lord, who does all these things.

In times that we feel afraid, some turn to music, recreation or books as sources of inclination to escape from routine or emotional difficulties but let us not forget that we can always turn to God and the Scripture. In fact, if we put in our hearts and mind that we can always depend on God whenever we’re attacked by the enemy, we are winning. It’s an instant triumph over the attacker. Let’s focus on the positive things around us. Let’s listen to positive thoughts and not with the whisper of the demons. Let’s look forward to better days that’s coming. Let’s keep the faith in God’s promises. Pray out loud. There’s nothing prayer can deliver. There’s nothing more powerful than the Scripture. There is power through them because they are God’s words. His words are forever and permanent, it will withstand the test of time. It will calm our spirits. It will cleanse, nourish and guide us through our days. God is here to remind us that we are never alone, and that anxiety will not last forever. Anxiety and fear will never win against Him. 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” For as much as we worry, we’re not actually built for it. God wants us to love ourselves and fear not.

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